10D1-08-Your Personal Code of Ethics. Explain what you now want to change and why. Describe any concerns you have about how you can apply this personal code, and explain how you will mitigate these concerns.

It is time to revisit the personal code that you wrote in Unit 1. Based on what you now understand about the field, review the personal code of ethics for your professional position in public administration. Post the code here, and explain what you now want to change and why. Describe any concerns you have about how you can apply this personal code, and explain how you will mitigate these concerns.

The main construct of the Framework is a deceptively simple, four-stage change implementation process:1) Build Trust, 2) Co-Construct Purpose and Strategic Plan, 3) Act Together, and 4) Deepen, Sustain, and Make theWork a Way of Life.

Example Profession is Direct Support Professional.


The Code of Ethics outlines standards of conduct and professionalism in nine areas.

·      Person-Centered Supports

·      Promoting Physical and Emotional Well-Being

·      Integrity and Responsibility

·      Confidentiality

·      Justice, Fairness and Equity

·      Respect

·      Relationships

·      Self-Determination

·      Advocacy

  • Person-Centered Supports. As a DSP, my first allegiance is to the person I support; all other activities and functions I perform flow from this allegiance.
  • Promoting Physical and Emotional Well-Being. As a DSP, I am responsible for supporting the emotional, physical, and personal well-being of the individuals receiving support. I will encourage growth and recognize the autonomy of the individuals receiving support while being attentive and energetic in reducing their risk of harm.
  • Integrity and Responsibility. As a DSP, I will support the mission and vitality of my profession to assist people in leading self-directed lives and to foster a spirit of partnership with the people I support, other professionals, and the community.
  • Confidentiality. As a DSP, I will safeguard and respect the confidentiality and privacy of the people I support.
  • Justice, Fairness and Equity. As a DSP, I will promote and practice justice, fairness, and equity for the people I support and the community as a whole. I will affirm the human rights, civil rights and responsibilities of the people I support.
  • Respect. As a DSP, I will respect the human dignity and uniqueness of the people I support. I will recognize each person I support as valuable and help others understand their value.
  • Relationships. As a DSP, I will assist the people I support to develop and maintain relationships.
  • Self-Determination. As a DSP, I will assist the people I support to direct the course of their own lives.
  • Advocacy. As a DSP, I will advocate with the people I support for justice, inclusion, and full community participation.  

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