How to Write Winning Nursing Case Study

Nursing Term Papers: How to write a nursing case studyBrainy Term Papers: How to Write Nursing Case Study

A nursing case study is a common type of nursing writing assignment. This type of assignment is also common for students who do science courses. A case study is typically a type of research methodology where students are required to conduct intensive research on an individual patient, a group of people, or a community. It may also involve a study on any other unit in which the student uses several variables to conduct the study. In nursing, one may be asked to do a case study on a patient, or a group of patients they come across in their daily practicum practices. Thus, the case studies test your understanding of the concepts you learned in the classroom and apply them in actual life situations, and suggest some recommendations r make conclusions on the case.

The structure of a Nursing case study

When writing a case study, you need to consider the structure of your paper, follow and complete the preliminary steps of writing a nursing case study. Before starting to write, you should write down your outline and follow the outline, filling your paper with appropriate information. A typical nursing case study paper should have three main parts:

  1. The patient status
  2. The nursing assessment
  3. A care plan or recommendations for the patient

Remember, at Brainy Term Papers, we can help you in writing a winning Nursing Case Study.

The patient Status

In this section, you are required to give details about the patient/s. That includes who the patients are, their demographic data (which includes their ages, gender, race, etc.), and the reason for studying them their current diagnosis condition, the current treatment, and medical history. You may also include the reason why they sought medical attention as well as their family ad social history.

This section may also include the role of nursing on the patient or patient/s under the study. It is important to write every piece of information you gather rather than relying on your memory. Besides, indicate the importance of including that information in your study.  Once the current diagnosis is given, you need to indicate the progress of the disease. That includes the causes as well as what you observed as signs and symptoms of the disease.

The Nursing Assessment

This section requires you to describe the nursing diagnosis. Here, you need to prepare the assessment you have done on the condition of the patient. You should also go ahead and explain the reasons for conducting each assessment. You need to describe the issues identified and give suggestions on the possible causes of the said issues. You will also need to suggest the option for treating the issue based on the identified causes. You can suggest a possible nursing care plan for the patient.

Current Care Plan and Recommendations for Improvement

Here, you need to describe the nursing car pan you identified in the above step. Include the goals for the current care plan and show how it is going to improve the condition of the patient. Also, describe each step of the current care plan and show the reasons why each of them is important.


At the end of your paper, you need to provide your recommendations. You should base those recommendations on the information about the patient, including the diagnosis, the predictions as well as the suggested nursing care plan. You can as well suggest other actions that can improve the recovery process of the patient. However, use authoritative sources to support your suggestions.

Final Thought

Nursing case studies are very fascinating actives that a nursing student should be interested to take part in. It is a great experience for evaluating the conditions of patients in a nursing facility or a hospital. Hence, a nursing case study is not supposed to be a tough challenge for any student. It should be a booster to your overall nursing grade. Remember, to secure top grades in such a paper, you have to draft and format it properly. Remember to use the appropriate formatting and referencing style. Besides, if your nursing Case study is becoming a challenge, do not be bogged down. Ask for help here.


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