Compare Wordsworth’s sonnet London, 1802 with Blake’s poem London. Do the two poets complain about any of the same things? What other differences or similarities do you notice in their poems?

Answer the 3 questions separately about the William Wordsworth and William Blake poems:

—–1) Compare Wordsworth’s sonnet London, 1802 with Blake’s poem London. Do the two poets complain about any of the same things? What other differences or similarities do you notice in their poems?

—–2) Stanza 7 of Ode: Intimations of Immortality uses a figure familiar to readers of Shakespeare: the comparison of life to acting on a stage. How does Wordsworth use this figure here? What is its role in the poem as a whole?

—–3) The poems I wandered lonely as a cloud and The Solitary Reaper both describe the experience of coming upon a sudden scene of unexpected beauty in nature. Compare how the two speakers respond to this experience.

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