Identifying State and Federal Laws

Go to Arizona v. United States, 132 S. Ct. 2492 (U.S. 2012) and to Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 11-1051(B) (2012).

  • Find at least four cases and two other related statutes that are linked to the above citations in
  • Type the citations of each of the sources, both in the body of the assignment but also on a separate reference page. State whether each source you cite is a case or statute.
  • In the body of the assignment, describe the topic of law covered by each of the sources you cite, in one or two sentences, for each source, in your own words.
  • Show use of by including at least one screen shot from of one of the sources you found.
  • Your paper should be 1 – 3 pages in length.


Note: To do a screen shot, press Print scr or prt scr on your keyboard. Then, go to your MS Word document, click on a place to put your screen shot and press CTRL and V simultaneously.

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