Passive Smoking among Pregnant Mothers and Premature Birth: A systematic review

The file I need to edit is named “ passive smoking review my Requists are :

  • – review and fix any mistakes
  • – make sure the paper is written according to the attached guide
  • – highlights in yellow needs revision and maybe fixing 
  • – highlights in blue need to add and write
  • – there are 2 unsuitable references both highlightEd in yellow “ no review, systematic review, meta analysis not allowed to use” please replace by only primary articles 
  • -add flowchart of the review methods as shown in the example 

I expect progressive delivery. however, please upload the file after 5 hours exactly wither it done or no 


thank you 

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Passive Smoking among Pregnant Mothers and Premature Birth: A systematic review

my requests are :

  • -to review the paper and edit mistakes 
  • – to follow the attach guid and make sure the paper matches it 
  • – I highlighted What needed to review and rewrite  in yellow color 
  • and additional request in blue ( there are to references I would like to replace which I highlighted them in yellow)

thank you 

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