Questions on organizational Development

Learning Activity #1
Select three articles or sections in the chapters from the readings this week which focuses on the theme for this week. 
Provide a brief summary highlighting the key points which you found useful concerning organizational development


Learning Activity #2
Answer the following questions:
1. Define key diagnosis concepts and systematic processes, explain data collection, and compare descriptive and normative, as well as clinical historical and psychoanalytic, diagnostic models. 
2. Determine effective and quality diagnostic models and processes, taking into consideration factors such as degree of change innovation, decision-making, level of formality or informality, and existing conflict. Study and note the specific steps for implementing diagnostic models.
3. Define and summarize OD intervention strategies—namely, structural, technological, and behavioral strategies—provide a broad overview of and backdrop for diagnosing change issues, enabling the selection of actions to optimize successful change management and ultimately organizational change.
Learning Activity #3
For this learning activity please complete the following table on an organization of choice according to the framework for leadership change developed by John Kotter. 
Think of a problem situation you would like to change at work, school, or home. Create a table which organizes and describes how you would frame the topic and your leadership approach to change using “Kotter’s Framework for leadership change”. 

Kotter’s Framework For Leading change
Stage 1. Establish a Sense of Urgency
Stage 2. Establish a Coalition


Stage 3. Developing a Vision and Strategy


Stage 4. Communicate the Vision and Strategy


Stage 5. Empowering Employees Throughout the Organization To Act On The Vision


Stage 6. Generate Short-Term Wins
Stage 7. Keep Up The Urgency
Stage 8. Make the Changes Stick

Post your table and definitions of each stage in your own words supported by the course material with citations and references. 

Second answer the following questions:
1. How do organizational development and transformation practitioners help others in the organization to faciliate change while helping the organizations to adapt to external threats and to seize upon new good opportunities?
2. Do you need to be a top level organizatonal development professional to be a change agent? Discuss.  
3. Empowerment is the tool of choice for the leader primarily because it must be insured through the organiztaional structure and culture. How does the organizational development and transformation practitioner create structural empowerment, builds trust and credibility to keep the vision and future clear for foward motion?

Chapter 4: Models of Change Management:

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