Taj Mahal

Semester Project

This project allows you to define/interpret/analyze a topic in religion.  Basic requirements: 1500 word min; inclusion of at least 4 aspects of religion (gender and politics count as categories).  You are encouraged, but not required to include aspects of the Global Learning Objectives, e.g. awareness of cultural differences. 

Choose a visual subject and describe what we can understand about its religious expression. 

Factors to consider include:

  • how its place in history reflects a contemporary religious worldview?
  • If the subject is from the past, does the modern world alter the “original” understanding of it?
  • What religious aspects or dimensions of religion is the subject trying to convey?
  • Is it trying to teach a particular theology or belief?
  • Does it help further some stereotype?
  • Is it making a religio-political statement?
  • You may do a comparison/contrast element if appropriate.

Suggested Visuals

  • An artist or a subject in art (e.g. Mary Magdalene)
  • Architecture/aspect of sacred space (e.g. Gothic Cathedral, Minaret, religious shrine, axis mundi, etc)
  • Similar practices that claim to be different?
  • Video Games
  • Music Videos
  • Do you think you’d create a better religion?
    • A scientific religion?
    • A sustainable religion?
    • A pluralistic religion?

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