Week 6 Discussion 2 Global Ethics and Corporate Responsibility

Is there such a thing as the universal moral code regardless of one’s culture? Considering many companies are now operating globally please address the ethical issues surrounding global operations and he concept of corporate responsibility in lieu of emerging global issues. Please provide some specific examples especially focusing on companies which experienced difficulty with this very issue.

Please use at least two sources in your discussion.

References & Articles

Gonzalez-Padron, T. (2015). Business ethics and social responsibility for managers 

Usnick, L., & Usnick, R. (2013). Compliance program auditing: The growing need to insure that compliance programs themselves comply. Southern Law Journal, 23(2), 311-327.

Andrei, C. L., Tigu, G., Dragoescu, R. M., & Sinescu, C. J. (2014, November). Analysis of medical tourism for cardiovascular diseases. Amfiteatru Economic, (8)16, 1136-1150.  

Jagyasi, P. (2012). Understanding ethical issues of medical tourism (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. DrPrem.com. Retrieved from http://www.drprem.com/ueimt/understanding-ethical-issues-of-medical-tourism.html

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