Term Paper – Pick any of the philosophers from the course that have been studied (2) Select a small aspect of their philosophy that you found interesting (i.e. suffering in Buddhism, categorical imperative in Kant, love in Plato, etc.)

Term Paper

  • Field: English – Article writing

(1) You will need 2 secondary sources for your research essay. They must come from a book; online sources will not work. Therefore, you will need to visit a library in order to write the essays.

(2) You will need to develop a thesis, and your paper must have an (1) introductory paragraph with thesis statement, (2) three body paragraphs, and (3) conclusion.

Pick any of the philosophers from the course that have been studied

(2) Select a small aspect of their philosophy that you found interesting (i.e. suffering in Buddhism, categorical imperative in Kant, love in Plato, etc.)

(3) Go to the library online database and find 2 sources: these must be from physical books or electronic journals, not web sources. You are, however, permitted to use journal articles so long as they are in the library’s online database.

(4) Research your topic in more detail and then write a 3-4 page paper.


  • Quotations should be kept to a minimum. All quotations must be in MLA style
  • 3-4 Pages, Times New Roman, Double Spaced, 12 Point Font
  • Avoid long summaries
  • Offer your own unique thinking about a philosophical topic, and use the secondary sources to elaborate on it. I would suggest reading a few good essays about the philosopher that you’re writing about.

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