critical thinking 3

After watching the “What Would You Do?” clip, summarize the scenario in short one paragraph. In the next paragraph(s) give as many perspective/viewpoints from the scenario as possible before answering what you would do in the last paragraph. DON’T JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION BASED ON YOUR EMOTIONS. Do this without being biased or using “I”. Use the “student guide to critical thinking” to assist you with the assignment. In order to earn a better grade, critically think about what you intend on writing, use proper mechanics in writing, and when conveying the points of view, be as unbiased as possible. Using one sentence to write about each statement presented in this exercise will not be sufficient. Be thorough, yet concise.

  1. State the problem as simply and clearly as you can.
  2. Describe the values and point of view of the mother.
  3. Describe the values and point of view of the child.
  4. Describe the values and point of view of the bystanders.
  5. After discussing the issues and looking at different points of view, what is your reasonable point of view?  Why?  Include a description of your values and fully explain
  6. this the video you have to write

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critical thinking

Critical Thinking Assignment Option # 1: Critical Self-Reflection Essay

In this reflective writing exercise you will analyze yourself with regard to the stage of development at which you are today as a critical thinker and your strengths and challenges in the matter of becoming a critical thinker with advanced reasoning skills.

As you internalize critical thinking concepts, models, and theories, what do you want to understand about being a fair-minded critical thinker when you leave this class that you can use in the “real world”?

Directions:Using the concepts learned through the readings and lecture pages, write a self-reflection essay that answers the following:

  • What does critical thinking mean to you? Describe the role that critical thinking plays in your life today. Explain and offer examples of how you might further apply critical thinking in your life.
  • What does this course have to do with good thinking in general or with your particular beliefs?
  • Define and explain a point of view or primary value you sometimes rely on to guide your thinking. Briefly describe how you personally analyze and assess thinking.
  • List three inferences you have made in the past. Is it possible to separate emotions from issues that are heavily based on belief systems such as religious beliefs?


  • In this self-reflective assignment, you need to back up your ideas and claims with scholarly sources. Keep in mind that critical reasoning and thinking skills are not the same as opinions. While it is acceptable to write in the first person, as needed for this assignment, be sure to support your ideas with valid, reputable, and scholarly articles.
  • Include at least 1-2 scholarly sources that are not required or recommended readings for this course. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these sources.

Your paper should be 4-5 pages in length, well written, and formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. Review the grading rubric for this assignment, which can be accessed from the Module 2 folder, to understand exactly how you will be graded. Be sure to reach out to your instructor if you have questions about the assignment.

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