Your essay will be evaluated according to the following three criteria:

1) The strength of your argument: Your argument must directly address all parts of the prompt. It should be clearly stated as a persuasive thesis (preferably at the end of the introductory paragraph and again in the first sentence of the concluding paragraph) and encapsulate your overall conclusions about narrative themes you have chosen to analyze in a comparative fashion.

2) The logic and clarity with which you develop your argument: Having clearly expressed a thesis from the outset, each body paragraph must support and further your argument in a clear and logical fashion. To this end, please use topic sentences that introduce a single idea that you want to present in each paragraph; in other words, avoid a structure that is long or convoluted.

3) The ability to support your argument with strong textual evidence: The evidence presented must be supported with detailed references to narrative elements from films, readings, and lectures (do not use non-class sources). If you employ quotes, explain their historical significance in terms of your overall argument. Use internal citations – Ie., As Pak discusses/says, “…” (77).

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Throughout the course, we have studied the unique power of literature, cinema, and art to reflect reality while at the same time affecting our emotions and thoughts. This assignment is an opportunity for you to look inward and to tell us how a text has affected you, your outlook on the world, and your feelings. Choose one text or film that we have studied this quarter and write a brief essay of about 2 – 3 pages double-spaced explaining what you have learned from reading or viewing it. Describe specific literary, aesthetic, or cinematic techniques that you see in the text, and how these impact your experience as a reader or viewer. This assignment differs from other analytical papers you have written for this course in that you may use the first-person pronoun “I” and focus closely on your individual reaction to a particular text. 


Please write a well-organized and focused essay of about 2 – 3 pages double-spaced in which you do the following: 

1. Introduce the text or film you read or experienced 

2. Describe how you felt when you experienced it, what you learned from it, and how it affected your outlook, understanding, or knowledge 

3. Discuss key literary or cinematic elements that made the text impactful or memorable for you. You may focus on only one element/technique or several, and you should provide quotes and citations when referring to the text. 


Some of the literary and aesthetic elements that you may discuss are: 

– The use of metaphors, imagery, or symbolism 

– The narrator’s voice or point of view 

– Characterization and depiction of particular protagonists 

– Stream-of-consciousness narration 

– Internal psychological vs. external focus 

– The use of realism vs. fantastic elements 

– The use of dialogue

– The use of irony 

– The “speed” of the narration 

– Strong visuality and visual elements in the text 



Your essay will be evaluated according to the following criteria: 1. Focus, organization, and structure of the essay, including a clear title, introduction, analytical body, and conclusion. 2. Quality of discussion, analysis, and close reading of at least one primary source and its literary or cinematic elements. 3. Language, style, and clarity of expression. 4. Format of citations and list of works cited. 

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The paper will require both primary-source analyses and outside research, based on the following assignment: Select a primary source from any period in Brazil’s modern history on any topic. Write an analysis of that primary source, making an argument about

what it demonstrates to you as a historian. You will need to (1) use specific examples from the primary source in question to demonstrate the validity of your argument; (2) draw on secondary sources to broaden your knowledge of the document and its context, as well as to provide such context for your reader. It would be best if you also related your own argument to those made by the secondary sources you consult. (For example, if you make an argument about a particular musical genre and perhaps use a song as a primary source, you will need to respond to—agreeing or disagreeing, or perhaps tweaking—the arguments of scholars who have written about that genre.) Examples of potential primary source materials include laws and constitutions; government proclamations; political speeches; songs, poems, or other works of art; intelligence or military documents; memoirs; and many other forms. For this assignment, you must consult only academic secondary sources—websites, journalistic accounts, and other non-scholarly works are not appropriate. You should plan to consult at least three books and four to five articles. 

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you present a central argument and close reading of a limited body of primary texts. Your essay should be based on the research you have done about your chosen topic, and you are welcome to study and write about any of the writers, thinkers, texts, and films we are examining in this class. Your paper should present a clear thesis and sufficient proof to substantiate your argument. You must engage at least one secondary source in your analysis and textual reading. You may choose from a broad variety and options of paper topics, depending on what you are most interested in. You may trace a key idea or concept in several texts/films or writers of your choosing. Or you may choose to focus on only one text and carefully explain one or more key ideas within it. You may also focus entirely on a close reading of one or more films. 


*Present a careful, rigorous analysis of the primary text(s) you are focusing on. Rather than merely citing or paraphrasing the text(s), analyze the ideas you want to highlight in the text and show how they substantiate and strengthen your central argument/thesis. 


*Choose at least one secondary scholarly source and engage with the ideas in this text while citing it correctly. If you wish, you may also read another secondary source that is not on our syllabus, and engage it in your critical reading of the primary text. 


*Organize the essay by presenting a clearly-defined introduction, body, and conclusion.



Your analytical paper will be graded according to the following criteria: 

1. The content, substance, accuracy, and depth of your argument, discussion, and analysis. 

2. Your analysis of at least one primary source, as substantiation of your central thesis/argument. 

3. Your citation and critical engagement of at least one secondary scholarly source in your essay 

4. The organization and structure of your essay overall, as well as the clarity, style, and format of your work. 

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Students should first define three key concepts. These three concepts can be from both the historical background (e.g., civil rights movement or neoliberalism) and queer theories (e.g., low theory or homonormativity). Then the students should offer a close reading of Asian American texts or cinematic work of their choice on an external resource. you should offer a brief introduction to the primary text /visual works. 


Furthermore, it would be better if you can organize your first paragraph in this way:

First, please introduce the primary text (i.e., the film or the short story/novel you are going to analyze in the paper) by offering a brief plot summary or describing the most interesting/dramatic scene. Even if the primary text is from our course material, you should still introduce it (treat me like someone who had never read/watched the story/film). 

Second, please briefly introduce the 3 key concepts you are going to apply. Please also explain how you would apply these concepts in your analysis. 

Finally, offer me a thesis statement at the end of the first paragraph. Basically, a thesis statement is a one-sentence summary of your final paper’s major argument. 


One additional piece of advice is to remember to base your argument on close readings. In other words, in the body part of the final paper, I am going to look for close readings of the primary text and grade your paper based on how well you use these close readings to support your major argument /thesis statement. 

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Final Paper


  • Length: 500-750 words
  • Format: Double-spaced, 12 pt. font
  • File type: PDF, DOC, or DOCX


Choose one of the following prompts:

  1. Define the part of theology that is technically known as theodicy. Pick an example of extraordinary evil in the world and present it briefly. Use your example to explain the relevance of the problem of theodicy. Why is theodicy said to be more central to monotheistic religions than to other forms of religion?



  1. What role does salvation play in religion, both for the individual and the whole community? Give an example of how an individual can perceive salvation and explain the ways he/she follows in order to attain it (for example, you can explain how a Buddhist perceives nirvana and seeks to achieve it by following the way of meditation).


This is the link to the book that you can use as your source:


I need this paper by tomorrow, the latest at 10 pm. Let me know if you have any questions!

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Final Paper

Due Date:Complete the attached checklist and submit it no later than Friday at 11:59 PM

Purpose:This checklist will help you to

  • Critically reflect on your progress so far.
  • Evaluate your own progress based on the rubric for the class.
  • Review your paper for APA requirements and course requirements.


  • For this assignment, download the attached file: Week Four Final Paper Checklist
  • Answer each of the first three questions carefully, using feedback you received when appropriate. Ensure each response is 100+ words.
  • Evaluate your essay using the rubric. Where do you fall (i.e. “mastery”, “proficiency”, etc.) and why? What will you do before the paper is due in order to move higher in the rubric?
  • (Optional) Answer the 23 yes/no questions on formatting and course requirements.
  • To submit, click on the title, “Week 4 Assignment: Final Paper Checklist.”

Criteria for Success:

  • Short Paragraph Responses (60%) – Complete each of the questions to the best of your ability. Reflect on feedback you’ve received and how you’ve overcome challenges (20% for each question, 100+ words for each question). Below this will result in prorated grades (i.e. 50 words = 50% of possible grade).
  • Evaluating Your Paper Using the Rubric (40%) – Critically assess yourself using the rubric. There is no word count to this, but you should note 1) what level you are, 2) why you evaluate that area of your paper that way, and 3) what you will do to improve in each category (i.e. “Develops an appropriate and organized research topic through all stages of the writing process”, etc.). Consider addressing each of these questions in each area of the rubric as worth two to three points.


Please use format on Week 4 Checklist- 


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Final paper

Write your answer to every questions in essay format, one essay per question, and not a ten-page essay addressing ten questions; Each answer should have a with a minimum of one full page in single-space format with font no larger than 12; Enter your answers in the text box – no uploading necessary or allowed; Please, number the questions you are answering; The exam will be checked for plagiarism, copy, and cheating, which means no “group exam projects” (i.e. doing the exam with your friends), no copying text and/or lecture transcripts and/or video transcripts No quotes. This is a take-home exam with five short essay answers, for this reason quoting texts, lectures, or videos is not allowed, as entering quotes greatly reduces your voice and your answer to the question;

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