Mentoring and Developing Employees

Keys to the Assignment

The following instructions are adapted from Project Kaleidoscope.

Write your vision (1-2 pages)

Imagine it is 10 years into the future. You feel that you have achieved your potential and become the leader you have always wanted to be. Write a story to describe your vision of yourself.

Do not get hung up on past accomplishments and future plans, and do not worry about barriers. Use some of these questions to guide your thinking:


  • What is your typical day like?
  • Who do you interact with?
  • What are you thinking about?
  • What are you feeling?
  • What skills do you possess?

While you are dreaming, think about your legacy. Imagine yourself at the end of your career. What do you want people to say about you after you are gone? How must you start living now in order for that to happen?

When you have finished writing your story, summarize the vision so it is easy to remember. Think of something or someone that symbolizes it. This summary should be no longer than three or four sentences and should be denoted in the paper by a separate heading. Keeping your personal vision in mind is highly motivating.

Identify obstacles (1-2 pages)

Internal obstacles are thoughts, opinions, and beliefs that can prevent you from moving forward. External obstacles are situations or conditions outside of yourself that can prevent you from achieving your goals. Make a chart comparing the internal and external barriers you see as standing in the way of achieving your vision.

Nearly all internal barriers are within your control. The barriers outside of your control are largely external. These are things you have no influence over. It is fruitless to fret over barriers you cannot control. Focus on the ones you have some control over.

There are three proven techniques for dealing with obstacles:

  • Decide what you are willing to give up in order to eliminate the obstacle.
  • Identify hidden opportunities or strategies that could help you face the obstacle.
  • Chunk the problem into manageable pieces, so you can deal with each smaller piece separately. You could also compromise. This would enable you to accomplish two seemingly independent tasks or goals at once.

How will you overcome your obstacles?

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Mentoring and Developing Employees

In this module, you will be focusing on helping guide your coachee through the G and R phases of the Grow model.  To further prepare for this case, read Chapter 5 entitled “Contracting and Goal-Setting” on pages 61-72 of the following text:


Book Jacket

Cook, S. (2009). Coaching for High Performance: How to Develop Exceptional Results Through Coaching. Norwood, Mass: IT Governance Publishing. Retrieved from EBSCO – eBook Collection.



  • Choose a problem/issue/behavior that you would like to change and that can be dealt with in an appropriate time frame (8 weeks).
  • Set SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time sensitive).
  • Examine the current reality.
  • Write up this meeting as indicated in the Keys to the Assignment, below.
  • Turn in your 4- to 6-page paper to TLC by the due date.

Keys to the Assignment

  1. After reading the background materials for this module and doing additional research if needed, prepare your pre-coaching plan for a 45-50 minute session:
  2. Conduct your coaching session (45 to 50 minutes).
  3. Write up your post-coaching reflection.

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Mentoring and Developing Employees

In this module, you will be focusing on helping guide your coachee through the G and R phases of the Grow model.  To further prepare for this case, read Chapter 5 entitled “Contracting and Goal-Setting” on pages 61-72 of the following text:


Book Jacket

Cook, S. (2009). Coaching for High Performance: How to Develop Exceptional Results Through Coaching. Norwood, Mass: IT Governance Publishing. Retrieved from EBSCO – eBook Collection.


Choose a problem/issue/behavior that you would like to change and that can be dealt with in an appropriate time frame (8 weeks).

  • Set SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time sensitive).
  • Examine the current reality.
  • Write up this meeting as indicated in the Keys to the Assignment, below.
  • Turn in your 4- to 6-page paper to TLC by the due date.

Keys to the Assignment

  1. After reading the background materials for this module and doing additional research if needed, prepare your pre-coaching plan for a 45-50 minute session:
  2. Conduct your coaching session (45 to 50 minutes).
  3. Write up your post-coaching reflection.

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