Criminology Responses


1) How much should criminals be punished? write a 8-10 sentence detailed paragraph. Cite your sources.

Let’s discuss the four main theoretical approaches to punishment. They are Retribution, Deterrence, Incapacitation and Rehabilitation.

Briefly describe each. Then choose two and give an example of a punishment for a specific crime that would fit that perspective.

2) write a response to the students paragraph 5 sentences min. Write how you agree with their ideas and add more to it. Do not just compliment the student on their work. Add details of how you agree.

Student response: Retribution is defined as punishing individuals that commit guilty acts. The system believes if an individual violates the law they deserve to be punished. In other words, retribution justifies that an offender gets punishes to learn from their mistakes.Deterrence is making individuals think twice before committing a crime because their punishment would be greater than the benefits. For example, if women gets one year in jail for shoplifting earrings. That women would think before trying to shoplift again from a store because of the punishment she received. The earrings was not worth the punishment. If the public, family or friend hear about the punishment that the women received others would think twice before shoplifting. Incapacitation is locking up individuals in jail or prison to prevent them from harming society or committing other crimes. Rehabilitation is a treatment program focused on trying to make individuals change their bad habits or behaviors. The goal is to prevent offenders from committing other crimes by treating them, not isolating them. For example, a man was sentenced to a year in jail for domestic violence. The man can be advised to take domestic violence classes. Domestic violence classes focus on teaching individuals to control themselves when they are angry.

3) Determinate v. Indeterminate Sentencing, write a 8-10 sentence detailed paragraph. Cite sources…

Watch the short video in the link above. This is specifically geared toward NY, but the general idea of determinate sentencing versus indeterminate sentencing is the same.

Then briefly describe each type of sentencing.

What’s the advantage and disadvantage of each?

Might inmates be more motivated to work on self-improvement such as rehab, job training, counseling, etc., in prison with one type of sentencing over the other? Why?

Feel free to do more research on the issue (and share your sources) and tell us which type of sentencing you believe is more effective.

4) write a response to the students paragraph 5 sentences min. Write how you agree with their ideas and add more to it. Do not just compliment the student on their work. Add details of how you agree.

Student Response: A determinate sentence is a sentence that has a set time frame. If An inmate is sentence to eight years in prison they are to complete all eight years, before they are released. Unless they accumulate new chargers while incarcerated which in that case can add more time onto the eight years sentence. The advantage of determinate sentences is these are usually for violent crimes, so it makes sure the victim or the victim’s family feel more secure in knowing justice will be served, also gives them peace of mind to know when the inmate will be released. An indeterminate sentence is where a defendant has no set time of release but is giving a time frame of possible release. The defendant is only responsible to complete the minimum given. At that time, they are up for a parole hearing. If denied for whatever reason the defendant will not be edible for early release, but the time served will not exceed the maximum sentence granted, for instance a defendant with eight to ten years will be eligible for release after eight years. If he is denied parole, he can only be imprisoned up to ten years. Unless the defendant accumulates more time. I feel indeterminate sentencing are most effective in rehabilitating inmates due to inmates wanting to be released earlier. I feel they are open to engage in more programs such as job training, counseling if it will help them be released earlier.

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