Quick Response

ERP brings together all the functions of a company using one software program. When the “big-bang” approach is used, this is when the old system is shut down and the new ERP system is up and running, like going cold turkey. The “phased-in” approach is when only parts of the ERP system is implemented and when that part is up and running then the next part will be phased in.

Complete the following:

  • Consider a business process that you have experienced at work, as a customer, or as a student. Examples might include any process in a work setting such as payroll and purchasing, or any process with which you have interacted, such as ordering from a Web site, obtaining a loan, eating at a restaurant, or registering for classes at your college or university. Describe the degree to which the steps in the process are integrated. What is/was the impact of that integration on you and on the organization?

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